In the Fall of 2018, Erik and Elaina Beck began a conversation about what it would look like to collaborate on a creative project which would allow the two siblings to get to know each other better. A name and format were soon attached to the project, and the idea for the 2 out of 3 Podcast was born. It would take longer for the project to actually come to fruition, and the podcast was officially launched in March 2020.

Come listen to Erik and Elaina, the oldest and youngest of three siblings (get it, 2 out of 3), discuss their different experiences growing up 8 years apart, reflect on their different perspectives of their shared experiences, and share their opinions on events and issues happening inside their communities.


Elaina Beck: Co-Host

Erik Beck: Co-Host, Editor

Elaina has had a flair for the dramatic from the beginning, finding her way onto TV the day after she was born. With a knack for finding humor inside of ridiculousness, Elaina has created content on YouTube and TikTok in addition to this podcast. Elaina holds a B.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies from Iowa State University, and has a desire to encourage the development and advancement of women in STEM fields.


Erik was a little slower to his first media spotlight, having to wait an entire year after birth until his picture made its way onto TV. Erik has also created content for YouTube, but not quite to the same level or viewership as his younger sister. Erik holds a B.A. in Reconciliation Studies and Third World Studies from Bethel University and an M.A. in Justice and Mission from Denver Seminary. He is seeking to find a way to encourage discussion and understanding within Evangelical communities of the necessity for justice and the nature of systems within these broader issues.