Church decline is real and multifaceted. We must not only focus on steps we find “easy” for church growth which ultimately reach a small, similar looking group. Instead, we must develop methods which more holistically reach and bring together all who God cares for.
Sabbath Sermon (The 4th Commandment)
Lent: A Season of Renewal - Repentance
What Do We Anticipate
Psalm 1: Intentionality for the Community of Believers
Biblical Justice Resources: A Vision
But what if there was a place for them to turn, a central location filled with resources that could introduce them to a variety of topics? What might that place look like; how could it be a help to that person; and how could that resource show the fundamental connection between the Bible and the call for justice in the world?
My Mistakes Discussing Race and Justice
…perhaps what I needed was an opening to honestly reflect on this part of myself at this moment in my life. Unfortunately, I think it’s taken this much time to realize that my fear of making another mistake, causing pain to another person, has kept me from any sort of discussion. It kept me from continuing to study. It caused me to continue contributing to a system of oppression through my silence.
The Space I Inhabit
Luke 4:14-30
Who do our Representatives represent?
This question, and my answer (so far), probably speaks largely to my legal and political philosophy. On the one hand, almost all members of Congress are not my representatives. I do not live in their district, and cannot vote for or against their election to Congress. At the same time, the decisions made by all of these people generate policy which directly affects everyone living in this country, which, selfishly, includes me. While this may not technically count as representation, I think the idea that there may be some “guilt by association,” whether as a citizen of a specific state or the country, holds at least some small amount of significance when we consider the question of who represents us.
This Isn't the [BLANK] I Know
Is America Great Again Yet?
Jeremiah 29:1-14: Grow Where You're Planted
Their exile had not separated them from the presence of God; their actions had. Israel as a whole had fallen into idolatry, worshipping Gods other than YHWH. This not only separated them from relationship to God, but in order to service this habit, they had preyed upon the weakest and most vulnerable members of their society, the ones they were repeatedly called to protect. They had lost their ethical distinctiveness which was meant to set them apart from the nations, and it took an exile to Babylon to relearn what it meant to truly be the people of God.