This post originally appeared on a previous version of this website.
A blank page.
Trying to figure out what to write or what to write about can feel like one of the most intimidating things to me. Why take a thing as unsullied as a blank page and mess it up with something that may not be great and has potential to be changed over and over. Additionally, I get to moments like the one I’m in right now trying to figure out what to say next, and not coming up with anything great. What’s the point? Why even write?
...well, now that the pretentious, angsty musings of my mind have been splattered all over the page…
It’s a new year and I have a new website. This is a thing you may have noticed since you’re reading this post. I’ve decided to create a place to showcase all of my creative stuff, links to stuff of mine in other corners of the internet, and a new blog space. This is all in the hopes of being more “professional” looking, but if nothing else I think it’ll be nice to have everything all in one place.
My hope is to create a lot more this year, which I’m sure I will be discussing soon: I just wanted to get something up here on the first day of the year. Until a new post comes up, check out the site...there’s not much up yet, but hopefully I’ll get more up here soon.